Saturday, July 19, 2008

la vida

      Today I visited the first of my potential apartments in BsAs.  It was probably the sketchiest experience I’ve had in a long time (and that’s saying a lot)!  I managed to find the first building with no problems (of COURSE the landlord was late, it’s Argentime).  It was a tiiiiiny little box with few windows to speak of.  The people who live there seem really cool, and “my” room was big, but overall it was a dump.  They had a tiny adorable gatita though.  I’m not a cat person, but I liked this one.  The location of the place was great: in San Telmo, near la Avenida 9 de Julio and many shops and restaurants.  The price was right too ($300/month), but it was just soooo small and dark.

            The next place, nearby but not in quite as good a location, was a lot brighter.  It was a little bigger, and had a balcony from which you could see the whole neighborhood.  Cute!  The bedrooms were tiny though, and the apartment doesn’t have internet at the moment (pretty much the only thing I NEED the apartment to have).  Another issue is that the current residents are leaving in December, so I would have to move too.  It wouldn’t be the end of the world, but I don’t really want to have to go through this process again in a few months.

            Between these two visits, the landlord disappeared multiple times to go talk to other tenants.  He was really nice, and apologized for keeping me waiting, but he definitely took his sweet time.  At one point, he left for twenty minutes and returned with a broken (?) water heater.  He put it in his scummy little car, and then we had to drive to his friend’s (?) house to deliver it, making me wait another half hour.  Neither place was worth that much time and sketchiness.  Tomorrow, I’m supposed to see a place right around the corner from la residencia (where I’m living now).  Hopefully it’ll be better.  I wanted to change neighborhoods, but I do like this area a lot, so I wouldn’t mind staying if the apartment looks good.  We’ll see!

            Tonight, a bunch of us are going to a Middle Eastern restaurant for dinner.  Roxanne is leaving soon, and she wanted to go.  I’m excited for falafel!  She had a goodbye dinner with more people on Thursday, because the majority of the kids living here went to Iguazu Falls this weekend.  I have a LOT of homework to finish up; we’re starting our last week of classes!  I can’t believe how quickly this month has gone by.  I hope the rest of my stay in BsAs is as good as the first few weeks!


Anonymous said...

Will you be kicked out of your current residence when class is over, or do you have a little more time?

That whole driving around with the landlord thing sounds like fun. (Shudder!)


Marissa said...

You have to make sure your new apartment has a reasonable pull-out sofa.