Saturday, July 5, 2008

First classes!

  I taught my first two classes on Thursday and Friday nights.  They both went pretty well, considering I had never taught anything before and was scared out of my mind!  Both classes were intermediate level, which is nice because they know enough to communicate well, but still have a lot of grammar and vocab to learn.  We talked about amusement parks on the first night, and train travel on the second.

I felt overwhelmed when we were first told we’d be teaching classes the first week, but classroom experience really is a great learning tool.  I’m already thinking about what I will do differently next time, and how I’ll have to go about teaching beginners and advanced students.  It’s a huge relief to be done with my first two classes!


Unknown said...

This is posted in a dark grey. Can hardly read it against the black themed background. Highlighting it brings it out.

Unknown said...

And now its all white on blue. Much better