Sunday, July 6, 2008

First Weekend!

            My first weekend in Buenos Aires was a great success.  On Friday night, I watched some of the other TEFL students eat steaks at Payuca (I’ve been told they were pretty good), then we went to the boliche (discoteque) Liquid.  It was a little bit lame.  I liked the 90s dance music, but no one else seemed to.  The bar area was crowded, and no one was dancing, they were all just standing around smoking.  We got out of there pretty fast.

            From there we met up with some of Daniel’s friends (Hernan and Segundo), who live in BsAs, and followed them to a most low key bar.  It has guitars along the walls, and anyone who wants to can just pick them up and play them.  A few of the people in our group took turns playing, and there were also other tables of performers.  One group did classic tango music- it was great!  They weren’t professionals or anything, just talented people with a passion for tango.  We stayed there until about 6:30 am, then came home and passed out J

            On Saturday, we went to a silly bar called the Alamo, which specializes in American music.  We stayed on the top level, but apparently on the first floor they also play American sports games and such on big TVs.  I wasn’t too sorry to have missed that.  After the Alamo, we went to Hernan’s sisters’ house to hang out and listen to some more guitar music.  It was a fun night with a true Argentine vibe.

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