Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Road Trip: Day Boring

The next day we started out by crossing the border into Nebraska, and staying there for the next 6 hours. While looking for a quick midmorning stop, we came across an original Pony Express station in Gothenburg, NE. A cute little place, and you could tell we were in the midwest because there was a woman there offering us tea and snickerdoodles, and a tour bus of older people who seemed to have stopped there on purpose. Adorable.

After that it was hours of farmland with a few windmills, then hours of slightly rockier terrain and more windmills.

We stopped for the night in Green River, Wyoming, which was actually awesome, a cute little town set right in the buttes (?). We stayed at a super-new hotel with lots of free food- soooo much better than the previous nights.

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