Friday, August 7, 2009

Californ-I-A (at last)

After a mediocre night near Reno, NV, we took a small detour through the Lake Tahoe area. Our little, overfilled car had some trouble on all the hills, but we finally made it to the (freezing cold) shore to take some early morning pictures:

We stopped in Davis to have lunch and visit with Mom's college friend Mebs, then went on to Carmel to see Mimi and Pete! The visit was much too short, but we got to relax a little, and meet Lola (who I didn't get any pictures of, oops)! We hit a bunch of traffic starting around Santa Barbara, but finally got to San Diego around 7 pm.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Oh how interesting. Last Saturday, (Kristen and) I was attempted to be converted to Mormonism by some Mormon missionaries in Central Square.