Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Things I Love

A few days ago, I was having a bad day, and started thinking about all the things I miss about the U.S. To get myself into a better mood, I made a list of good things instead. Thus, in no particular order, I give you all the things I LOVE about Buenos Aires:

-Ferias (Mataderos and San Telmo)
-Calle Lavalle at night
-The fact that Calle Lavalle is pronounced "Ca-zhey Lava-zhey," and all "ll"s sound like zh (as in yoozh or zhuzh)
-Nights that end at 9 am
- "Como como?" "Que cosa?" and all the other responses I get when i try to speak
-Castellano, the "bastard child of Spanish and Italian," as Ethan says
-Cafe con leche
-Medialunas and other facturas (pastries)
-People-watching in cafes, on streets, in the subte, etc.
-Every neighborhood, and sometimes every few streets, looks like a different city entirely
-Golf Sauce
-la Bomba de Tiempo (drum show)
-Crossing the street amid crazy traffic and feeling like a badass
-9 peso wine (but NOT 4 peso wine)
-Ridiculous Spanish subtitles on American shows
-My slouchy boots fit right in! (esp + leggings)
-PorteƱos' fascination with beef and animal products in general
-Everyone between the ages of 5 and 30 wears Chuck Taylors
-Walking everywhere I possibly can
-Meeting interesting people (students and friends)
-Old ladies with pinky-orange hair
-Random words that are different here than anywhere else (gaseosa, frutilla, pedes/queres/tenes, colectivo, etc.)
-Dogs everywhere
-Old, Spanish-style buildings mixed in with modern buildings
-Did I mention empanadas?

As you can see, most of my love is directed towards food. And sometimes shoes. This is not a mistake.


Anonymous said...

What in the heck is golf sauce?


Marissa said...

I hope I was on your mental list of things you miss about the US!

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm maybe i should try making a list like that about buffalo. its like being in a foreign country too. miss you!!

Jessie said...

Golf sauce, as best we can determine, is mayonnaise plus thousand island dressing. It´s strangely delicious.