Thursday, August 14, 2008


Sometimes you hate life because you´ve been running around the city all day, and your roommate´s raw chicken juice dripped all over your delicious leftover pizza, and you don´t have internet in your house.

But then sometimes you walk down a city street at twilight, and it´s not too cold out, and your ipod plays the perfect song, and you forget all the bad things and smile at Buenos Aires.

It helps to be as Zen as possible about the whole thing, and to have a good book with you at all times.


Anonymous said...

I hope you had something else to eat besides the ruined pizza...


Unknown said...

of course, Mom would worry about you not getting enough to eat. Of course, I would worry about the Internet in your place.

But ...

We definitely agree on the book part. Escape is sometimes the best way to face things.

dstein said...

so the secret to my photo header on my blog is actually a little something i learned during my time as bruce molay's apprentice in comp10. although, i guarantee you thats another skill that scott failed to garner.

Marissa said...

Hey, what dates are good for you for me to visit? I have 6 weeks off for Christmas.