Friday, April 10, 2009

Tweet... or Baaa?

Yep, I gave in and got a Twitter account. Silly, I know, I'm a sheep. If any of you are on as well, add me! I'm jcataylor (

Mostly just did it because I was bored. We have a four day weekend for Easter (Felices Pascuas!) which is great, except that I STILL haven't gotten paid anything for working in March, so it's not like I can go on vacation or anything. We only get paid once a month, and I didn't work at all that first week I was here, so it's been a loooong time. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for surviving over a month and a half on 885 pesos (plus rent, there's no way a tourist like me could pay rent AND live on that little). It's been a great lesson in frugal living, but I'm really starting to get tired of it, and I'm getting low on books! One institute said they can pay me on Monday. I worked fewer hours for them than for the other one, but at least it's something!

I've noticed I talk about money a lot, even in classes. I bet that's annoying. It's just something I think a lot about now that I have to! It's a balance between actually LIVING and having fun, and being responsible and taking care of the necessities. Institutes are notoriously disorganized, so I can never expect to be paid at the beginning of the month, and these past few weeks have been crazy, lots of holidays, so it's understandable that they'd be even more delayed.

SO ANYWAY, in summation:
No money= Boredom= Twitter account= New way for me to share my life with you, boredom and all. Now I'm off to go out into the world, so I actually have something interesting to tweet about!

P.S. Shout out to the padres for the delicious Easter candy! As predicted, I ate about half of it in two days and am now quite sugared-out. Thanks!


Marissa said...

(It's Easter, too!)

Unknown said...


Grace said...

shout out to the padres for NOT giving their other daughter any easter candy, even though they could have saved on shipping by bringing it in person. BOO