Sunday, March 15, 2009

My 25

This note was really popular on Facebook a couple months ago. Time magazine even did a couple articles about it. It took me a long time to actually THINK of 25 facts about myself, and when I finally did, it seemed too late to subject Facebook to another '25 Things' post. But you guys are here by choice (I'm assuming... Boredom at least), so I figured I'd go ahead and post it here. How well do you know me?

Without further ado, 25 Random Facts, Habits, or Goals:

1. I really wish I were artsy. I try from time to time, but it never works out.

2. I hate the word 'guesstimate.'

3. I've only met 2 "celebrities" in my life: Zizi from "Salute Your Shorts," and the youngest brother from "Home Improvement." I'm not sure how proud I am of this.

4. My goal is to visit all 7 continents and all 50 states, but my dream is to travel all the time for the rest of my life and go absolutely everywhere.

5. I compulsively eat anything that is in front of me (or in front of YOU if you're nearby). I love love food, and I have 0 self-control.

6. If you're a cat person, we can't be together.

7. I have a REALLY long list of books to read before I die. At this rate, I'll need to live to about 160.

8. I LOVE infomercials, especially the beginning when the people can't do things.

9. I'm a (sort-of) vegetarian solely because the texture of most meat makes me ill.

10. I can't wait to move to Cali but I think it'll be hard living that far away from my family and friends.

11. Having an accent gets you 10 points, but being a musician gets you 25.

12. I will never stop searching for the perfect curly hair product.

13. I wish I were better at small talk.

14. I have been skydiving, and I have sung at Carnegie Hall. I'm not sure which experience scared me more.

15. I can wiggle my ears, roll my eyes all the way up, move my scalp, and fold my tongue into a ruffle. I'm basically made of plastic.

16. I can make a noise like a pterodactyl, but it's not an inside noise.

17. Whenever possible, I make a list. I love making lists of all kinds of things, and I love crossing things off.

18. I love matching. Not suit-of-purple-crocodile matching, but recurring colors, etc. It looks like you put in a little effort, and I like that. Argentines are generally very good at this, though there is often more polyester involved than I am comfortable with.

19. My earliest memory is of hearing the chorus to Simon and Garfunkel's "Homeward Bound." If the song had been "Late in the Evening" that would be a better story.

20. I've been to the mouths of two volcanoes: Mt Vesuvius and Mt Haleakala.

21. I think Dr. Pepper tastes like lipstick.

22. Two things can make me cry spontaneously: children with AIDS and 9/11. This has been a problem in history class and on the subway.

23. I have two extra ribs: one on each side. You can especially tell when I'm laughing.

24. I was once accused of calling in a bomb threat to the Tufts Medical School (I didn't do it, don't worry!). In a separate incident, our TiVo once called 911 by accident.

25. I think I was myself in a previous life. I get deja vu ALL THE TIME.


Anonymous said...

I've known you all your life but didn't know your innermost 25.
Happy St. Pat's Day.


Marissa said...

I think I knew all the things on the list before. What does that say about us?

Unknown said...

LOL. Had to read this aloud to Phil while he was busy making me a steak dinner. A good evening all around - thanks