Sunday, May 17, 2009

Salir Time

There have been times when I wished I were going back to the U.S. Sometimes the adventure seemed to be too much. After a long day, or a SHORT day without enough work, when I was tormented by mosquitoes or eating only eggs and toast for days at a time to save money, I longed to be home, taken care of, living the easy life. There were times when I thought May 19 couldn't come fast enough.

But now that it HAS come, pretty much, and I keep thinking "it's too soon! Wait!" I've seen the touristy things, I've dome pretty much everything I wanted to do here, but I'm not ready to stop living the porteƱo lifestyle yet. My favorite thing to do in this city is just BE here, walk down the streets, sit in cafes, go to bars and talk to people. I like my students, my roommates, and my job. I have fun with my friends. My life here isn't always comfortable, but it's mine and I love it.

Am I really done here? Can I move on from Buenos Aires? Have I taken everything possible from this year? I'm not sure. The only thing to do now is enjoy the next couple of days, and get ready to take on the next adventure.

I probably won't blog as much once I get home, unless something fab happens or I get so bored I feel the need to subject you all to my special brand of rambling nonsense. We shall see. On the other hand, I'd be happy to blog about Starbucks, the library and Taffy for 2+ months, wouldn't that be entertaining?


Anonymous said...

We'll do our best to be entertaining! See you Wednesday...sometime.


Unknown said...

Speak for yourself.


Marissa said...

What about that tattoo? (KIDDING. I know your parents read this.)

Grace said...

starbucks, library, Taffy, and meeeeeeeeeeee